I was surfing and I ran across this great read from GamePolitics.com, It is an interview with Randy Stude from PC Gaming Alliance. In this article they talk about piracy, online distribution, And how Vista effected the PC gaming market. But the One that I would like to talk about is the question about
GP: "Could the outrageous development cost of new consoles bring PC gaming back to the mainstream?"
RS: "The guts of every console should tell you that the capability is there for the PC to act as the central point for all the consoles. If you bought a PC and as part of that equation you said, Okay, when you’re on the phone with Dell, “Hey, Dell, on this PC, this new notebook I’m buying, can you make sure it has the PlayStation 4 option built into it?”
Well, why not? Why shouldn’t that be the case? [Sony is] certainly not making any money on the hardware. I mean, can’t they create a stable enough environment to specify that if Dell’s going to sell that notebook and say that it’s PlayStation 4 [compatible] that it must have certain ingredients and it must meet certain criteria? Absolutely they could that. Are they going to do it? I don’t know. I predict that they will. I predict that all of the console makers over time will recognize that it’s too expensive to develop the proprietary solution and recognize the value of collapsing back on the PC as a ubiquitous platform."
I believe that you will not see such a thing there is to much that would have to change to see this. You would need the industry to agree on all levels from Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony to the PC manufacturers. On top of that you would need someone to agree on a standard and that is something the PC world just does not like to do (examples ATI vs Nvidia, USB vs Firewire, Intel vs AMD, Windows VS Mac).
My question to you is do you think this could be a reality or a statement of complete nonsense?